Adding job offers from partner institutions

EMBL promotes job offers from partner institutions in the Related Opportunities page. Some names of partner institutions are:

  • Nordic Partnership (DANDRITE, FIMM, NCMM, MIMS);
  • EMBO;
  • HCEMM;
  • and others…

Adding a job offer from a partner institution

You will receive a ticket in Kayako from someone in these institutions with information about a job offer.

  1. Access the related oportunities Fiona folder and edit the relevant institution’s document;

  2. Copy-paste a job offer from the document and change accordingly:

    • Title
    • Deadline
    • Location

Normally we don’t share pdf/doc job offers, since the information provided is usually present in the institution’s job pages, and that’s where the job application takes place.

  1. In the title of the offer, add the link to the job application page. This is a page in the institution’s website, so mark it to open in a new window;

  2. Save the document and release it.

  3. Once it’s live, email Rachel Coulthard to update the intranet vacancy mailing list by copying the job offer from the website (link included).

Periodically test the page for broken links and job offers whose deadline is over or has been extended.