Adding a press release

Press release from EMBLetc

Before following this guide, please upload the press release news to a news folder in Fiona according to EMBL News guide

Setting up the folder

  1. Go to the News folder in Fiona, select the folder with the intended news piece > Edit > Copy tree;

  2. Go to the Media Relations folder in Fiona and paste the copied folder into the appropriate year folder;

  3. Change the fields of the folder:

Field Value
Valid from Today’s date or future date if applicable
Press contacts In Destination paste “/EMBL/content/aboutus/strategy-and-communications/pr_contact/pr_hd_contact” > Add > Ok
External news link Delete the news link
Channel Change “embl_news” to “press releases” (it will be displayed as news)

Adding the main content

  1. Open Main content, paste the news piece and style as desired;

    The cover image to use here is the file in the current folder ending with ib

  2. At the end of the article place the following sentence: This post was originally published on EMBL news.;

  3. Select “EMBL news” and add an hyperlink to the news piece in EMBLetc;

    Search engines follow all links in a page when indexing, and downgrade in the listing sites with repeated content. Because of this, we need to add an element to the link to prevent the indexing process to follow this link.

  4. With the pointer close to the “EMBL news” words, click on the button that spells “HTML”;

  5. Copy the code rel="canonical nofollow noopener", paste as portrayed in <a -->code here<-- href="">, and click Update;

  6. As usual, use the preview functionality to see the changed page before releasing the page;

    You don’t need to add your contact details as they were added previously in “Press contacts”, and will be displayed automatically.

  7. If all is good, publish the item by selecting in the main menu Edit > Subtree actions > Release > Release > Close;

  8. Remember to log out from the CMS once you’re done.

Press release with original content

Press release with multiple languages

To add a flag icon:

  1. Please download a respective icon from the server: Flag icons
  2. Upload the icon as a standard image to the folder with a press release.
  3. In the Fiona text editor add an image and choose your icon.


Make sure to test if the HTML anchors used to jump to the translated sections in the page work correctly. Anchors need an id as a destination point.