Adding news to

Preparing the images

  1. Save the image from the news piece.
  2. Resize accordingly:
Placement Size (px) Filename_xx
TVs in HD Campus 620x425 _ib.jpg
External homepage 427x427 _ex.jpg
Stratcom news list 175x120 _ov.jpg
Intranet homepage 120x76 _in.jpg
  • Create a ZIP archive with the images.

Setting up the news item in Fiona

  1. Go to the News folder in Fiona.

  2. Make a copy of a news folder and paste it in the same directory.

  3. Change the folder name according to the template YYMMDD-keywords.

  4. Fill in the remaining fields of the folder:

Field Value
Title Title of news article
H2 - Subtitle Excerpt (max. 100 characters) - Wordcounter
Valid from Today’s date or future date if applicable
Location Barcelona - Grenoble - Hamburg - Heidelberg - Hinxton - Rome
Note 1: Not specific to a location: General
Note 2: Multiple locations: separate with a comma
Abstract / Info for list view Abstract (max. 110 words) - Wordcounter
Can be a copy-paste of the first paragraph or two of the news article, as long as the text makes sense in isolation.
Note 1: The text is also displayed in the EMBL website search and is indexed by Google as the ‘meta-description’ of the page (truncated after ca. 150 characters).
Note 2: Ensure that individual, or at least group names, are included in the abstract.
Keyword list Keywords for discoverability, useful to check the ones used in the footer of the article
External news link Copy-paste the URL to the article
Channels EMBL news (always)
Barcelona research: Research Highlights Barcelona
Hamburg research: Research Highlights Hamburg
Archive: News Archive
Partnerships: News from EMBL Partnerships
Tara: Tara Tales/Stopovers

If you’re uploading news a few days earlier - before releasing please make sure that the Valid from field reflects the day of publishing

Adding the images to the news item

  1. While on the folder, go to the main menu and click File > Import archive;

  2. Open the ZIP archive previously created;

  3. For the Destination, select Extract into this folder. Then click OK;

  4. When asked in the next screen which file formats to use, select according to the filename:

    Remember to de-select ‘Use this file format for all files of type ‘jpg’

    • ib - Infoboard image (620x425px)
    • in - Image for homepage (120x76px)
    • ov - Image for overview
    • ex - External block image
  5. As usual, use the preview functionality to see the changed page before releasing the page;

  6. If all is good, publish the item by selecting in the main menu Edit > Subtree actions > Release > Release > Close;

  7. Remember to log out from the CMS once you’re done.

When importing the images, Mac users will see a window requesting that you Please select the file format which should be used to import the folder _MACOSX: simply select OK > close subsequent error message > refresh the page in the CMS using the green arrows icon in the toolbar; the images should be visible.