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5 December 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
Schizophrenia 2013: the journey from 'madness' to molecular etiology
Aiden Corvin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

17 October 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
Reflections on the origins of the human social mind
Mark Pagel, University of Reading, UK

4 October 2013, 11:00, CNR seminar room, EMBL Monterotondo
Moral Disgust and the Yuck Factor: A Case Study in Selective Debunking
Daniel R. Kelly, Purdue University, USA

2 August 2013, 13:00, EMBL@PETRAIII: 48E, EMBL Hamburg
Where's my Warp Drive? The Science of STAR TREK
Tim Wiegels, EMBL Hamburg

28 June 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
Ignorance: How it Drives Science
Stuart Firestein, Columbia University, USA

11 June 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
Astrobiology – the hunt for alien life and implications for society
Lewis Dartnell, University of Leicester, UK

23 May 2013, EMBL Monterotondo
Neurobiology of human prosocial behavior: Mechanisms and clinical implications
Prof. Markus Heinrichs, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany

13 May 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
Quality control in the communication of science: is peer review up to it?
Irene Hames, independent editorial consultant, UK

22 March 2013, EMBL Monterotondo
Mnemosyne's Paradox
Joe Davis, MIT, USA

18 March 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
The Earth Microbiome Project: A new paradigm in geospatial and temporal studies of microbial ecology
Jack A. Gilbert, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

15 March 2013, EMBL Grenoble
The personal genome: promise and implications
Jan Korbel, Group Leader, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

1 March 2013, EMBL Heidelberg
A draft genome of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death
Kirsten Bos, Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Tübingen, Germany