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29 November 2001
Biomedical research and health care costs: How much progress can we afford?
Daniel Callahan, Director of International Programs, The Hastings Center, New York, USA

20 November 2001
The precautionary principle: a fashionable concept or a mutation in society?
Philippe Kourilsky, Director General of the Pasteur Institut, Paris, France

6 July 2001
On public perceptions of biotechnology (and some attempts at influencing them)
Halldór Stefánsson, Science and Society, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

16 February 2001
Genetics, evolution and human nature: beyond selfish genery
Steven Rose, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

30 January 2001
Science, power and people
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, President, Fundacion Ramon Areces, Madrid, Spain