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15 July 2005


All day EMBLart Exhibition, Operon Foyer
Hidden Treasures of SciArt@EMBL
13:00-17:00 Mini-symposium
Science and Art – an Evolving Relationship
17:20-18:00 music@EMBL
17:00-18:00 Collective beer hour, Operon Foyer
18:00-18:20 EMBL Theater group
Art in love
18:30-20:30 Jazz at EMBL
8 Sharp
Mini-symposium (Open to the Public)

Science and Art – an Evolving Relationship

Scientists and artists, through their thoughts, projects, and products, change the world. The aim of this art and science event at EMBL is to explore various aspects of creativity at the interface between science and art.

13:00-13:10 Welcome
13:10-13:55 Suzanne Anker, School of Visual Arts, New York
Beauty and the beast: Transforming paradigms in art and science
13:55-14:40 Arthur I. Miller, Univ. College, London
Abstract art/abstract science
14:40-15:25 Christa Sommerer, Univ. of Art and Design, Linz
The art and science of interface culture
15:25-16:00 Coffee break
Panel discussion
Professor Peter Weibel, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe
Nadia Rosenthal, EMBL; Giovanni Frazzetto, EMBL; Caroline Lemerle, EMBL and the invited speakers