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Arie Rip

Changing Science in a Changing Society: Societal Aspects of Nanotechnology

14 December 2006, 16:00, EMBL Small Operon

Arie Rip, University of Twente

Science is becoming more open to the wider world, including anticipations about impacts. There are promises as well as concerns. Who voices these, what debate ensues, what choices are made? In the domain of nano-technology, ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects) are now considered at an early stage, also to avoid an impasse as observed around (green) biotechnology. In the Netherlands, we do Constructive Technology Assessment, and as part of a national R&D consortium NanoNed. In other countries, comparable approaches are visible, with the UK emphasizing "upstream" public engagement. There is now also a Global Dialogue on Responsible Development of Nanoscience and Technology. Does all this imply that nano R&D is done differently?