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Double Helix: the DNA years
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
18:00, room 215
Christian Hentrich led the discussion following a viewing of a video document.

In 2003, the BBC produced the documentary "The DNA years" on the occasion of the 50th year anniversary of the proposal of the double helix structure by Watson and Crick. It features unique historic material and interviews with well-known researchers such as Jim Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, E. O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker or John Maynard Smith. For a scientist interested in the history of biology, it is an outstanding experience to see its protagonists talking about a broad range of topics, ranging from the origin of molecular biology to sociobiology and anthropology. Yet this documentary, clearly authored by a non-scientist, leaves a strange aftertaste by the way the different parts are arranged and commented upon.

Thus after the screening of the movie (runtime approx. 55 min.), it will be very interesting to discuss how science is presented to the general public. What image do we want to convey of our work? Is it legitimate or helpful to make science appear more dramatic? How much can we simplify without distorting what we think to be true? How much effort should we put into communicating science to the really broad public (reachable only via television)?
